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Film Types

Standard Definition 

High Definition

Transfer your

to DVD or USB

8mm ..................................   $.20 per foot SD
Super 8mm Film ..........   $.20 per foot SD
16mm Film.......................   $.26 per foot SD
16mm w/Sound .............   $.30 per foot SD


Film Transfer Pricing SD
Standard Definition - 4x3


Film Transfer Pricing HD
High Definition - 1080i


8MM .................................  $.19 per foot HD
Super 8MM Film ..........  $.21 per foot HD
16MM Film ......................  $.24 per foot HD
16MM w/Sound .............  $.29 per foot HD


Pricing does not include editing, encoding or disc.

The Process

1. Please have all your films in the order you want them and clearly numbered.


2. Please leave detailed instructions on editing needs, as well as packaging needs.


3. We use DVD +/- R products. These may not play in some older machines. Our DVD recordings are made with the latest technology. It is a DVD-R disc that is recorded much like a CD-R disc. Our discs are compatible with most new DVD players. If you are unsure as to whether the disc will be compatible, look into the age of your machine.


4. You must own and have full rights to any and all media and materials used for transfer, editing, and/or for any other production purposes.

Film Reel Measurements

Film comes in multiple  reel sizes:

The 3 inch reel holds about 50ft of film about 3 min on it.

The 5 inch reel holds about 200ft of film about 12 min on it.

The 7inch reel holds about 400ft of film about 24 min on it.

reel prep

2Video understands that film is not reliable over time. If the media is old or not stored properly, the film and its reels can start to deteriorate, warp, or harbor mildew. Sometimes, old or damaged film will smell like vinegar. If this is the case, it will be necessary for us to thoroughly clean your reels before we start the conversion process. The price of prep includes adding leaders where needed, splicing touch ups, and a deep cleaning of your film.


Prep prices start at $0.05/ft.

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